April 29th, 2021 (0.68)

See which tasks have description, messages, and subtasks from a list view

Lists now have visual indicators for when a task has a description and subtasks, in addition to the number of chat messages. You can also click on the description or subtasks icon to open right to that tab.

Track how long tasks have been open

You can now format any date-type attribute, like Due date, Created at, Completed at, etc in "Days since today".

This lets you do things like see how many days bugs have been open, or how many days are left before a task is due.

Improvements & bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused copying & pasting a task to not paste the task description.
  • Fixed a bug where notifications weren't loading until you click on Inbox.
  • Fixed a bug where logged-out users viewing Public access lists didn't see the name of the list they were on.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Created by, Completed at, and Completed by values to not show correctly in list views.
  • Fixed a bug that causes sectioning a list by task name to throw an error.
  • Set Created by to be API bot when a task is created via the API.
  • Fixed a bug that caused bot users to show up as options in Assignees.
  • Fixed a bug where opening a task in a list you don't have access to didn't show the error message correctly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused tasks to not always be synced up to date.
  • Fixed an issue where the lists a task is on at its creation didn't generate activity logs in Chat.
  • Fixed a bug where multiple Current user and None showed up as options in assignee input.
  • Added support to cmd+k to match on more than just the first 3 letters of a the first name of a workspace user.
  • Fixed an issue where read-only users weren't seeing subtasks in the task page even when they are on the same list as the parent task.