August 5th, 2021 (0.77)

Streamlined View menu options

Your View menu design has been simplified and refreshed to make it easier than ever to customize your list's look and feel ✨

Show completed tasks in filter bar

When you edit list filters, you'll now see the Show completed tasks setting so you can easily adjust which completed tasks, if any, you want to see.

Improvements & bug fixes

  • Updated themes to change as soon as system theme preferences have been changed.
  • Added support for showing the current user section by default for lists sectioned by user type attributes (like Created by, Completed by, Assignees).
  • Added support for horizontal scrolling of tables in chat.
  • Fixed issues where Height was causing high CPU usage.
  • Fixed an issue that caused GitHub and GitLab pull/merge request comments made after being merged to not be correctly cross-posted to tasks.
  • Fixed Sort by assignees UI to show user names correctly.
  • Updated chat activity logs to make it clear when a task due date has been recurring.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes previewing the next task sometimes previews a task from another section instead.
  • Fixed a bug where status labels sometimes get clipped in Inbox conversations.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the "New messages" button was visible even if there aren't any unread messages.
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't add option or multi-option attributes as filters in search if they're using a date.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the UI to jump when editing long descriptions.
  • Added a confirmation modal for when you're about to leave the new task modal c by clicking on a list or user name.
  • Fixed a bug where new task modal c create buttons sometimes triggered the discard changes banners unexpectedly.
  • Fixed a bug where some shortcuts have unusable expand arrows.
  • Fixed an issue where long URLs move the chat bubble.
  • Fixed a bug where filtering by text fields from the column context menu doesn't expand the filter correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where HTML code turns -> into even within a code block.
  • Added support for users to be able to create forms for Web access lists.
  • We no longer show all sections by default if there aren't any tasks in the sections.
  • Fixed default profile pictures to change if your first or last name is updated from Settings.
  • Fixed a bug where you can delete a description that doesn't exist multiple times.
  • Fixed an issue with the chat editor that caused quoted messages with images to get cut off.
  • Fixed an issue where task subscriber avatars overlapped in long message drafts.
  • Added support for pasting task URLs in task type attribute inputs to select the right one.
  • Fixed some scrolling issues with cmd+f search in page.
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't select multiple tasks with the keyboard if there's a deleted task between them.
  • Fixed an issue where buttons in the share modal aren't disable for users who only have Web public access to a list.
  • Disabled multi-click on the "Create task" button from new task modal c and forms.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting a list via the UI modal is slow.
  • Fixed a bug where the show completed chevron wasn't aligned correctly on Safari.
  • Users now see an error if they try to access a form they don't have access to, instead of a different form.
  • Fixed an issue that occasionally caused ghost unread notifications in other workspaces.
  • Fixed some issues where Ctrl+a and Ctrl+e don't work well when there are user mentions.
  • Fixed task autocomplete to work more reliably.
  • Fixed a bug where long email addresses in Workspace settings → Users messes up column formatting.
  • Fixed a bug where outdenting a task triggered an error.
  • Added support for capital letters in multi-option attributes.
  • Fixed some issues where guest users could get to Workspace settings → Billing via the command palette.
  • Fixed missing border issues when dragging and dropping tasks on Safari.
  • Fixed an issue where older task activity logs' timestamps were incorrectly getting set to "Today" sometimes.
  • Fixed an issue where logged out users could authenticate with Google on template demo workspaces.
  • Fixed a bug where a different task gets opened after changing parent tasks and lists.
  • Added support for opening smart lists from the command palette.
  • Fixed a bug where the editor loses the selection when using formatting options with a mouse.
  • Fixed an issue where sending a draft message moves the task around the Inbox.
  • Fixed a bug where deleting many options from an attribute in Settings led to an error.
  • Fixed a bug where # broke code blocks in preview mode.
  • Added support to easily copy truncated URLs in chat messages.
  • Fixed an issue where autocomplete for T- never goes away.