Cross-collaborative design, streamlined with our new Figma integration

Cross-collaborative design, streamlined with our new Figma integration

Successful collaboration starts with everyone being in the know. Our new Figma plugin makes collaboration easier and supports designers’ productivity — streamlined task management and automated updates eliminate the burden of collaborating on designs.

No more constantly breaking creative thought processes in Figma to manually upload screenshots, share updates, or respond to feedback or questions. The Height plugin for Figma lets you centralize conversations and decisions within Figma and Height simultaneously.

All features

  • Post screenshots of designs and share updates on linked tasks without leaving the frame.
  • Automatically cross-post comments from Figma as messages on tasks.
  • Track to-dos and action items by creating new tasks right from Figma.
  • Preview Figma links as designs inline on tasks.

How to get started

Go to Product Settings → Integrations → Figma to set up the Figma plugin.

Or, learn more here.