Dec 17th 2019 (0.19)

Stability & performance

Our primary focus in November was on improving stability. We've added better API support and now handle edge cases better to make Height more reliable and decrease downtime for you all 💪

Recurring tasks

Got a task that you do over and over, like creating an end-of-quarter report or submitting a new version of your app each week? Good news — we now support recurring tasks, that make it easy to recreate tasks, carrying over the attributes and subtasks associated with it.
Set a task to be recurring daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, etc, and it'll automatically get recreated after it gets completed.

Previews of mentioned tasks

When you mention a specific task, you'll now see a preview of that task, with its title and attributes, giving you enough context without having to navigate away.
The task that was mentioned will also have a notification in its chat log linking to the mention.

Improvements & bug fixes

  • #assigned has been renamed to be your username page and is where you can quickly find all the open tasks assigned to you.
  • Added an option to remove guest users from a workspace.
  • Show "x subtasks" below a parent task even if the subtasks aren't displayed in the same section.
  • Parent tasks now stay in a section even if its matching subtasks have been deleted.
  • Fixed a bug where editing the name of a task posts multiple updates.
  • Logging out now redirects to the log in page.
  • Increased the minimum height of descriptions when collapsed.
  • Added "Today" to the timestamp header for chat messages sent that day.
  • Fixed bug to make conversations unarchived when marked as unread.
  • Fixed a bug for guest users to be able to use contextual menus.
  • Added support for index and listId attributes in the GET /tasks endpoint.
  • Fixed a bug that made real-time not work for logged out users.