December 17th, 2020 (0.55)

Group mentions

Notify multiple people, like the @customer-success team or @eng-org, at the same time with group mentions from Product settings → Group mentions.

macOS app fans, rejoice! When you open Height links, you'll now have the option to open them in the macOS app, with the ability to remember this setting with "Don't ask again" too.

Duplicate list

Make a copy of a list or smart list, with its tasks, view options, and filters.

This makes it easy to replicate the View menu setup for a new list you're creating, like a list template of sorts.

Improvements & bug fixes

  • Added notifications for when a file upload fails.
  • When you make changes to your own assigned tasks list, the changes are automatically saved.
  • Switched new task modal, attribute side panel, and forms to use "Add attribute" instead of showing all attributes, including empty ones.
  • Fixed a bug that caused archived messages in Inbox to reappear when new notifications for other tasks came.
  • Added an edit button to task names in task preview panels.
  • Added support to show user names when hovering on their avatars.
  • Improved the copy that shows when there are no task results for smart lists.
  • You can now use cmd+z in Inbox to undo archiving a message.
  • Added support for cmd+z in fullscreen task pages to undo things like changing attributes, the task name, or even deleting the task itself.
  • Added "url" to task objects returned from the API.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes happened when signing up for Height with Google.
  • Fixed a bug that caused text to overflow when using a kanban with a linked task type attribute subsectioning.
  • Added support for zooming back in with ++ in the mac app.
  • Added support for "Back" and "Forward" mouse buttons in the mac app.
  • Added support for CMD+right arrow to go forward in history.
  • Fixed a bug where task changes, like GitHub pull requests being linked, was incorrectly triggering notifications.
  • Fixed a bug where Browse all tasks sometimes didn't show all relevant tasks.
  • Added the workspace name for email notifications.
  • Fixed a bug that caused subtasks to not always correctly show in task pages.
  • Disabled the navigate back command when in edit mode.
  • Fixed a bug where users could receive push notifications after signing out.
  • Fixed a bug where tasks created via the API had "Last activity at" set to null.
  • Fixed a bug where "Open task" showed in the section menu.
  • Added support for colorful columns in kanban lists.