Feb 19th 2020 (0.25)

Full-text search 🕵️‍♀️

In addition to tasks, lists, and people, you can now search through comments and descriptions in seconds.
Open the new search with cmd+P or through Command with cmd+K.

Since our search is now more powerful, we gave it special treatment and moved it to the top of the sidebar. We also updated the smart lists icons to make them more distinct 🙂

Security log **[new] **[enterprise]

Monitor key events happening across your workspace in Settings → Security log. This lets you track changes to attributes, new members and guests, changes to lists permissions, and more.

Improvements & bug fixes

  • Improved discovery of lists by suggesting users to open the task's list when they open a task.
  • Renamed "Sign in" to "Log in"
  • Renamed the previous "Search" to "Filter all tasks"
  • Fixed a bug that would display submenus under their parent menus.
  • Fixed a bug that would display assignees as sections even though they were filtered out.