Get started on Height faster than ever with our new templates ⚡

Get started on Height faster than ever with our new templates ⚡

Getting started should be easy — that’s why today, we’re excited to announce our new templates that’ll make accomplishing your goals in Height easier than ever. Inspired by the workflows of our daily Height users, we’ve built a library of curated templates ready to be explored by you.

Something for every team.

There are over 20 templates (and counting!) to choose from across seven categories, including engineering, product management, marketing, design and UX, working with clients, recruiting and HR, and personal productivity. This is only the beginning: the current assortment of templates includes those we feel are essential to fast-growing companies, but the list will continue to grow, especially with your help — if there’s a template you’d love to have at your fingertips in Height, you can submit it here.

Workflows built with Height’s most powerful features.

These templates aren’t just prebuilt task lists. Instead, they’re comprehensive, ready-built workflows supercharged with some of our most powerful features, including Smart Lists, Task Forms, custom attributes, and preset visuals to maximize productivity.

Templates will give you access to features that fit right within the context of the work you’re already planning to do. You’ll be able to get started in Height quickly without having to figure out what features to try or how they work — but you’ll still get to take advantage of their value right within each template.

Customizable to meet your team’s needs.

Templates are a seamless way to get started, but you can also customize each template to work exactly the way your team likes the most. Instead of giving you one rigid methodology to accomplish your goals, these templates offer you the canvas and tools you’ll need to work the way you prefer. Customize templates to match how your team likes running sprints, launching products, and more.

We’re so excited about the launch of templates, and there’s much more to come. If you’re someone that likes to jump right into new tools, then templates are the perfect entry point: you’ll have access to Height’s best features without yet knowing all the ins and outs. Discover our full library of templates and start working better in Height.

Explore templates here →