Height’s Android companion app is here 📲

Manage your projects from anywhere with our new companion app for Android.
Our new Android app keeps you in the loop from anywhere with push notifications and easy access to your Inbox. Wherever inspiration strikes (or at least whenever your colleagues have a question you can answer!), you’ll have Height at your fingertips to stay connected.
Stay in the know on-the-go with these features:
- Push notifications: get real-time updates when tasks change status or you’re assigned a new task
- Inbox management: read and reply to messages while on the go
- Task creation: easily file new tasks, upload screenshots, and assign the right team members, all from your phone
- Universal access to tasks: clicking on a task link from anywhere (e.g. texts, notes, email, etc.) will open the task directly in-app
- Light or Dark theme: the app supports both Light & Dark themes, so the choice is yours
Project management that fits in your pocket is now totally possible — download the app today, also available for iPhone, Windows, and macOS📱