Improvements & bug fixes (0.93)

  • Fixed a bug that caused the remove button to not work when removing unfurls from other people’s messages.
  • Fixed an issue with overlapping text in the status dropdown menu.
  • Added additional API documentation for searching tasks, lists, and users.
  • Fixed a bug that caused search results to sometimes flicker or disappear.
  • Fixed an issue with Jira Cloud imports caused when tasks are linked to each other in a loop.
  • Fixed a bug that caused add task buttons to now show on hover in Kanban after moving columns.
  • Fixed an issue with search in the macOS app that sometimes caused an error.
  • Fixed an issue with the offline error showing unexpectedly at times in Inbox.
  • Fixed an issue with new blog posts not always showing up correctly.
  • Fixed the appearance of tasks in Trash.
  • Fixed an issue where archiving a Task Form didn’t correctly allow you to downgrade your billing plan.