Jan 30th 2020 (0.23)

New user experience **[improved] **

The Getting Started tasks have been updated to reflect recent changes and new features. New users will also start with a few pre-made smart filters, including #backlog, #in-progress, #completed, and #created-by-me to help them get going and find tasks of interest.

Assigned task lists for guests **[new] **

Guests can now have their own assigned tasks list, where they can see everything they're responsible for doing. They also have their own user page now where they can change their first and last name, username, and picture.

Archive attributes **[new] **

You can now archive attributes which enables you to also restore them with all the data intact if you change your mind.

Dragging tasks

Dragging a task to the edge of a list now autoscrolls the list 🙌

Improvements & bug fixes

  • Added a + next to Lists to create lists. The former Add list button is now Browse lists.
  • In settings pages, Revert changes is now named Undo.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the task panel to glitch when clicking collapse or expand subtasks.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the first subtask to disappear when you add another subtask.
  • Fixed a column label alignment issue.
  • Separated completed and non-completed statuses.
  • Added ability to reorder status Done in attributes Settings.