July 22nd, 2021 (0.76)

Improvements & bug fixes

  • Added support for copying both the task name & its link with cmd+c.
  • Updated GitHub & GitLab integrations to only link tasks mentioned in PR descriptions and comments that are mentioned with the keyword link now.
  • Added a welcome email for new guest users with tips on how to use Height and a welcome email for members to import tasks from other tools.
  • Added a setting for unbatching task updates sent to linked Zendesk tickets so each task change would be sent immediately and generate its own internal note on the ticket.
  • Fixed an issue where task list modules should automatically scroll while dragging a task.
  • Fixed a crash caused by sorting a list with a redacted task.
  • Fixed an issue where the custom filter in Personal settings → Keyboard shortcuts wasn't working.
  • Fixed a bug where Subsection by wasn't working for Kanban lists.
  • When you create a new task on a list, any attributes this list is sectioned or subsectioned by will now show in the new task modal by default.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Height invitation emails to sometimes be routed to spam folders.
  • Fixed an error that happened when you remove some custom attribute options and adding a replacement.
  • Switched "Created by me" and "Completed by me" to have Show subtasks flattened by default.
  • Now when you switch from kanban → spreadsheet, the attributes your kanban was sectioned/subsectioned by will show as columns in the spreadsheet by default.
  • Added support for selecting (to copy) text in description diff modals.
  • If another user edits a description for a task you have an open draft for, the heads-up banner will now take you to the activity log for the updated description instead of to your draft.
  • Refreshed the contrast of tags in Inbox for dark theme.