July 30th, 2020 (0.42)

Track and revert individual changes to attribute [improved]

Each change made to an attribute now gets its own log and can be reverted individually in Product Settings → Attributes. For example, if you add two new options to your attribute "Tags" and rename it to "Tag", you can undo the name change without reverting the addition of the two new options.

You can also now find a section for removed options and restore them from the ... menu.

Spellcheck in chat messages & task descriptions [new]

Spellcheck is now supported for all your chat messages, task descriptions, and task names ✅

Improvements & bug fixes

  • :+1: (👍) is now supported in chat messages.
  • Mentioning a user in a task name now triggers a notification in their Inbox.
  • Updated GitHub integration settings to make it clear when a linked task's status changes.
  • Fixed an issue that caused pasting images from clipboard to not work correctly.
  • Fixed an issue that sporadically caused characters to show up in reverse order while typing.
  • The show sidebar button now appears on mobile.
  • Chat and description text editors now respect line breaks.
  • Added support for cmd+[ and cmd+] to Back and Forward commands to the mac app.
  • Added support for cmd+alt+up/down to move tasks to the beginning or end of their section.
  • Fixed a bug that caused text with spaces before it to not get bolded properly.
  • Fixed a bug where deleted tasks would show up unexpectedly.
  • Fixed an issue where changes made to task from the fullscreen task page didn't always save correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where sectioning lists hid older sections.
  • Fixed a bug where user IDs showed up in chat messages sometimes instead of the user's name.
  • Fixed an issue where cmd+enter to open a task preview while editing a task doesn't work as expected.
  • Fixed the alignment of the emoji button in the task description editor.
  • Fixed an issue where spaces used in the / command from chat feature didn't work.
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't scroll through your entire message while in preview mode.
  • Fixed a bug where inserting an emoji before text would replace some of those characters.
  • Fixed an issue that caused deleting an emoji with skin tone set to take multiple backspaces.
  • Fixed a bug where if you added an @mention after toggling to preview mode from the text editor, the @mention didn't work.
  • Fixed an issue where some names in @mentions showed up as grey and others as black text.
  • Fixed a bug where task selection blinks when doubleclicking a task that's in multiple sections.
  • Fixed URLs with #s in them to hyperlink correctly.