March 18th, 2021 (0.63)

Learn about Height with our new user onboarding flow **[new]  **

New users now have a short onboarding flow at signup, introducing them to core Height features and helping them get going.

Copy task IDs to clipboard **[new] **

Often need to copy one or more of your tasks T-IDs? You can now set a custom shortcut from CMD+K or from Personal settings → Keyboard shortcuts → Copy task ID.

See who else participated to a list from "Browse lists" **[new]  **

You can now see who's been using a list recently in "Browse lists" to help understand which lists are more relevant for you and your team.

Improvements & bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused invitations via a list Share menu to sometimes redirect to the wrong place.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the message input to refocus the first character.
  • Fixed a bug where duplicating a list didn't correctly duplicate all of its tasks too.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some UI issues, including list name background colors to show as grey.
  • Fixed the expand sidebar button in the macOS app.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the + button dropdown menu to show in the far left corner when opened.
  • Fixed a bug where using filters with attributes with submenus (like Sprints) auto-closed before you could pick an option.
  • Fixed a bug that caused shortcuts to no longer appear in CMD+K menu.