May 13th, 2020 (0.36)

Offline banner when you've lost connection

When you lose connection, you'll see an "Offline" banner in Height, letting you know that your changes may not be saved until you're back online.

Get notified when you're added as the Reviewer for a task

Now, if you get added as the Reviewer, DRI, Product owner, Tech lead, or any other type = user attribute, you'll be get a notification in your Inbox and be automatically subscribed to the task for future updates.

See edits made to task names

When someone changes a task name, you can easily see what's changed — like what's been added and what's been removed — right in the activity history.

Improvements & bug fixes

  • Fixed the shortcut cmd+c to copy a task.
  • When you copy a task to duplicate it, its description will also get copied.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Inbox to be badged by deleted tasks or ones you no longer have access to.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the parent task to disappear until refresh when you collapsed its subtasks.
  • Added cmd+g and shift+cmd+g tooltips on search to scroll through the previous and next search results.
  • Added shortcuts ctrl+tab and ctrl+shift+tab to navigate between conversations and tasks when a task preview is open.
  • Removed the min-height for short descriptions.
  • Changed the order of shortcut keys to reflect macOS defaults (i.e. shift comes before cmd).