May 28th, 2020 (0.37)

Announcing our GitLab integration 💥 [new]

GitLab fans, your day has come!
You can now connect GitLab projects to Height, allowing you to link merge requests, branches, and commits to tasks.

You'll also be able to see GitLab status updates, like when a merge request is opened or merged, directly in the linked Height task.

See GitHub pull request comments in the task activity history [new]

In Product settings → Integrations we've added the option to show new comments on a pull request right in a linked task.

This should help you and your colleagues get all the context & conversation for a specific task in one place.

Unfurl & create new tasks from Slack [new]

Once you connect your Slack workspace in our Product settings → Integrations page, you'll see a preview of the task you mention in Slack, with its name, status, and assignees.

You can also create new tasks directly from Slack, by clicking on any message and choosing "Create task".

Typing /height + a task name in Slack will also create a new task. You'll be automatically subscribed to these tasks, making them easy to find in Height too.

Improvements & bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused task notifications to be temporarily delayed.
  • Improved the task header to make its unique task ID and the lists it's on clearer.
  • Fixed Inbox badging to not show that you have an unread message for tasks that have been deleted or you no longer have access to.
  • Fixed a bug where copying and pasting tasks from a document or spreadsheet didn't always work reliably.
  • Updated the rich editor style for editing task descriptions.
  • Invited users who've been removed from the workspace no longer show as options in attributes like "Assignees".
  • Fixed a bug that caused an error if you tried to change list icon or description when creating a new list from the "Browse lists" modal.
  • Changed email notification permissions so that people who no longer have access to a task won't receive any new email notifications about it.
  • Updated Kanban tasks to always show the "Lists" input when you're editing the task.
  • Fixed a redirection bug when logging into a workspace.
  • Fixed a bug where hover options now longer showed after you reorder lists in your sidebar.
  • Fixed the order of GitHub statuses posted in task activity histories when you linked a pull request after it's been merged.