October 8th, 2021 (0.80)

Height is available to everyone 🎊

Height launched open access and is now available to everyone. Check out our redesigned website: https://height.app?home πŸ’œ

Updated pricing plans

Pricing plans, including Free, Team, and Enterprise are now live. When you're at the limit of your current plan, you'll be alerted and given the option to upgrade.

Plans can be billed monthly, or, for a discount, annually, and can be downgraded at any time.

Windows desktop app

In addition to our macOS app, Height is now available as a Windows app, with all of our core features at your fingertips: https://height.app/download

Improvements & bug fixes

  • Added support for βŒ₯ - click on chevron arrows to expand / collapse all nested lists.
  • Updated the Heightbot comment on GitHub / GitLab to make it clear that you need to use the word Links now to link a task and PR from a comment or description.
  • Added support to use the same lists as the original task when creating a new task or subtask from a task chat message.
  • Fixed a bug where typing T- in the new task modal removes the focus from the text editor.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking tab under a "Show all # subtasks" didn't work correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that made creating a new task from the "New task" button on spreadsheets on mobile web difficult.
  • Fixed an issue where some guest users were missing private task lists of their own so couldn't be added to a private task via the Share menu.
  • Fixed an issue where up to 4 emails would be sent when subscribing to a Team or Enterprise plan.
  • Fixed a bug where changing a list visualization didn't preserve the attributes to display.
  • Fixed a bug where CSV import fails with invalid dates.
  • Fixed an issue where the launch modal pops up without being visible / dismissible.
  • Fixed a file type issue when importing CSVs from Windows.
  • Updated the Refer a friend flow to send referred people a link to directly sign up for Height.
  • Fixed an issue where all dates were showing up in the due color red.
  • Removed the requirement for users to sign up with a last name.
  • Updated the Slab logo on integrations page.
  • Fixed a bug where @mentions after code blocks don't work to notify people.
  • Updated the press kit available.
  • Fixed the mobile web version of the new task modal to fit on screen.
  • Fixed an issue where scrolling to the end of a list of 11 tasks was spinning forever.
  • Added support for the footer of the account switcher to be fixed at the bottom.
  • Fixed a bug where selecting a task in Inbox becomes temporarily blank when navigating away.
  • Improved search performance and added support for results paging.
  • Fixed the done button in Inbox on mobile web.
  • Fixed a bug where "Always show current user" showed your tasks in the "Other tasks" section.