September 24th, 2020 (0.48)

Specify the status for tasks linked to pull / merge requests, commits, and branches with more granularity [improved]

You can now control which status to set your task to when its linked pull/merge request, commit, or branch changes. We've added more granular options to our GitHub and Gitlab integrations for when a pull / merge request is a draft, when it's awaiting review, and when it's approved to allow you to really customize your workflow.

Every message and activity log in your tasks can now be shared via a permalink from the ... menu.

This makes it easy to send a link to a specific message to make it clear which one you're referring to.

Set a default list for new tasks [new]

Instead of always adding new tasks created when in a smart list to #general, you can now pick a default list to create them in. Any time you add a new task in a smart list, from the c new task modal, and from Slack, they'll use the default list you set.

Improvements & bug fixes

  • Added support for admins to delete a workspace.
  • Fixed a bug where Inbox only loaded a set number of notifications at a time.
  • Removed the "insert task between" right click context menu action when lists are sectioned by a date attribute like "Created at".
  • Fixed a bug where tasks mentioned in commit messages overwrote task status.
  • Fixed a bug where unlink pull request from a Height task wasn't correctly unlinking the task and pull request.
  • Fixed a bug where a second repository label showed on hover of a GitHub bot message.
  • Added support for one-click installation for PWA.
  • Updated the icon on Chrome OS launcher.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the "+" button to add a column to not always work.
  • Added automatically generated attributes like, "Created by", "Completed by", "Created at", and "Completed at" to the attribute panel of task previews.
  • Ordered custom attributes in task previews and in Settings in alphabetical order.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented people from being able to keep changes made to their assigned task list view options.
  • Fixed an issue that caused user avatars to flicker as they're being reloaded.