Turn standups into standouts with our new game, Be My Guess ⭐️

Turn standups into standouts with our new game, Be My Guess ⭐️

Whether your team participates in daily or weekly standup meetings, it’s often the same structured routine of project updates. As-is, they can feel repetitive — but what if it was possible to infuse your stand-ups with a fresh burst of energy and get your team to engage more than ever? 💡

At Height, our whole goal is to be the platform for cross-company collaboration: all teams under one digital roof, with one tool supporting all projects. The more you can increase visibility between teams, the better — because everyone works better with full context. Stand-ups are a huge part of how you increase visibility, but without engagement, you’re missing an opportunity for stand-ups to truly benefit your team.

That’s why we’re so excited to announce our new game, Be My Guess: a way to make standup meetings more engaging, intentional, and…well, fun! 🎉

What is Be My Guess?

Be My Guess is a fun, interactive, and maybe a little devious way to see what your colleagues are working on. It encourages team members to pay more attention during standup meetings.

The game is totally free to play, and you don’t need to have a Height account to play — the game can be played regardless of which (if any!) project management tools your team uses.

Any team can play Be My Guess, not just engineering or product development teams. The real fun begins when you have to guess for teams you aren't super familiar with - making you pay more attention to detail and think outside the box!

And for our team, it’s honestly hilarious we have to lie for team members on other teams (everyone has to pay a lot more attention to try and brainstorm a lie when they’re not familiar with someone’s tasks 😉).

The real fun begins when you have to guess for teams you aren't super familiar with — making you pay more attention to detail and think outside the box! Try out Be My Guess now at https://bemyguess.height.app/ and start making your standup meetings more engaging, intentional, and fun!

How to play Be My Guess 🤝

Describe what you’re working on.

When you join the game, you’ll first describe a task you’re working on. The more descriptive you are, the better (try to keep it unique to you).

Having to write out what you’re working on instead helps you be more precise with how you communicate it to the team. That way, your teammates will fully understand what’s on your plate (and if they’ll play a role).

Lie for three teammates.

Then, you’ll be given three teammates to lie for — make up a task for each teammate that’ll hopefully trick your the rest of your team! You want to enter something that this person could feasibly be working on: for a content marketer, something like “working on launch copy” or “writing a guide to SEO” could work; for a designer, a lie like “designing graphics for the blog” could work.

Earn as many points as you can.

You’ll earn points for seeing through the lies and choosing the right answer…but will also earn points when others pick your lie. The fastest to guess the correct answer each round earns extra points, too.

Compete in the lightning round.

At the end, once everyone’s real tasks have been revealed (and people have been thoroughly duped), there’s a lightning round ⚡️ During this rush round, the goal is to guess everyone’s tasks as quickly as possible — so you need to have been paying attention to what the real answers were all along. The winner of the rush round will also earn a hefty handful of points!

See the winners 🥇🥈🥉

When the game is over, we’ll move to the virtual podium with the winner and two runners-up. Even better, you can export the full list of ‘scores’ with everyone’s real task listed —  a written summary of what everyone is currently working on that can be saved and shared.

Try our new, free Be My Guess game to bring new energy to your stand-ups 🥳