What's new: Expand & hide subtasks in Kanban boards and see who's commented on a task from the list view (0.85)

Show & collapse subtasks in Kanban boards

Subtasks in Kanban boards can now be expanded and collapsed.


You can collapse individual tasks or use the View menu to collapse or show all subtasks in the list.

Commented on by attribute

See who's commented on a task right from the list view by making the attribute "Commented on by" visible.


Improvements & bug fixes

  • Recurring tasks now show the next dates they'll repeat on from their date calendar.
  • Added support for guests to be able to change their own views' settings, including "Assigned to me", "Created by me" and "Private tasks".
  • Fixed an issue where status icons in tasks didn't match the icons shown in Product settings.
  • Improved user mention matching in @mentions.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some people to see an error when saving a new attribute option in Product settings.
  • Added support for Cmd+k search to autofill text in the fullscreen search page.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the "Show completed" option didn't refresh search results.
  • Improved the way status collection names are shown in Kanban boards.
  • Fixed a bug where "Select next/previous task" from Cmd+k didn't work when the task layout was toggled to "Columns".
  • Added "copy" to the "Share list link" command to make it easier to find.
  • Added a shortcut to edit tags.
  • Added a command to switch workspaces.
  • Fixed the Cmd+k shortuct to "Edit lists".
  • Added support for attributes to be case sensitive or insensitive in search.
  • Fixed the search page icon and text alignment.
  • Added support to convert email HTML to markdown when replying to a message via email notification.