What’s new: Figma integration and Automations ✨ (0.115)
Seamlessly collaborate across Height and Figma
Ensure your team never misses a beat on new designs or conversations in Figma. Our new integration allows you to share frames to linked tasks, cross-post conversations from Figma, and create tasks directly from the canvas. Try it out on your designs!

Set-it-and-forget-it Automations
No-code automations are here and ready to take care of your grunt work. With a plethora of actions and filters you can keep everything up-to-date effortlessly. Start building your own today!

Improvements & bug fixes
- Added a subtask creation to customizable shortcuts.
- Enabled auto-detection for 1Password set up during login.
- Fixed an issue where markdown was automatically created when pasting links.
- Assigned a new shortcut for linking text: Cmd+Shift+0.
- Task IDs on action banners are now linked to the corresponding task.
- Updated Cmd+I shortcut for italicizing text to execute only when text box is focused.
- Fixed a bug with Jira import where new users were invited despite disabling
Invite new users
. - Fixed a bug on mobile app where description modal appears too wide.
- Added a new description for private lists when creating a new list.
- Fixed bugs related to Github and Gitlab configuration that was incorrectly updating statuses.
- Fixed an issue related to scrolling on the attributes settings page.
- Fixed a bug that prevented editing the description on a newly duplicated list.
- Resolved an issue that prevented multiple tasks from being edited in the Inbox at once.
- Updated the chat activity log to include changes made to the task icon.
- Added a label to read-only forms for clarification.
- Standardized
across Height. - Resolved an error with Jira Cloud import that prevented tasks from successfully importing.
- Fixed a bug for keyboard shortcuts setting where “Snooze” could not be filtered out.