What’s new: Focus on what matters in Chat (0.102)

Reducing the noise of chat to focus on what’s important

Accidentally mark a task as Done and then move it back to In progress? Updates that cancel each other out in short sequence are now hidden from chat 😌

Changing the task status to Done and then back to In Progress will be hidden from the chat to keep you focused on updates that matter.

And multiple changes to a task description in a row are now batched into one activity.

When someone makes multiple changes to the task description in a row, the activities will be collapsed into one summary that can be expanded to see individual description version changes.

Improvements & bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue causing Gitlab integrations to need to be repeatedly re-provisioned
  • Added links to Help Center articles explaining features mentioned in Pricing and Billing pages.
  • Fixed a bug that caused video files to not be shown in chat.
  • Fixed some broken shortcuts on Windows & added support for Ctrl+y to redo an action.
  • Improved the UI for disabled list items to make it clear when they’re not able to be used.
  • Fixed an issue where Group mentions didn’t show up correctly when used in the placeholder text section of task forms.
  • Added support for reordering and indenting subtasks in Task forms.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented people from being able to log into the desktop apps.
  • Fixed the placeholder text in Task forms.
  • Updated the primary button for submitting a Task form to be Submit.
  • Updated the style of Learn more buttons.
  • Fixed some visual issues with single-select list inputs in Task form questions.
  • Fixed the padding between task name and date of activity in Inbox conversations.