What’s new: Sentry integration, Screen reader landmark support, and more (0.98)

Sentry integration

Height + Sentry logos

Level up your monitoring game by connecting Sentry to Height 💪

  • Link Height tasks to Sentry issues to post updates to the task and update the issues statuses as the task is updated.
  • Create new tasks on Height when specific Sentry alert rules are triggered.
Gif of marking a Height task as Done also automatically updates the linked Sentry issue status to Resolved.

Landmarks for better screen reader accessibility

We added landmarks to task pages to make it easier for people using assistive technologies to navigate to specific sections and find content quickly.

Screenshot of a fullscreen task page using a screen reader with info about which area is selected.

Refreshed subtasks menu

Have trouble remembering what’s the difference between indented vs collapsed vs flattened subtasks? Our refreshed subtasks menu adds visual indicators to make it clear which option you’re looking for.

Gif showing the new subtask view option menu vs the old one

Improvements & bug fixes

  • Added a Jira comparison page: https://height.app/compare/jira
  • Added support for opening tasks in a new tab when using Cmd+click, rather than in the task preview modal.
  • Fixed a bug where tasks created directly in a completed state status in Kanban doesn’t correctly apply the Show completed filter to them.
  • Hid archived lists from the “Browse all” menu.
  • Fixed a bug where locked attributes could still be changed from section header names.
  • Fixed an issue where using shortcuts to change date attributes commits the date change too early in the flow.
  • Fixed the alignment of task names when the name is two lines long.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting a task for a task-type attribute default selects the second matching item instead of the first.
  • Changes made to filters now use the same Save changes banner.
  • Fixed an issue with email codes going to spam for Gmail users.
  • Fixed a bug with the Inbox counter showing unread messages even when Inbox is empty.
  • Renamed “Draft” to “Description draft” to differentiate between description and message drafts.
  • Added showing Copy default branch name to task context menus even when a branch has already been linked.
  • Fixed an issue where attributes weren’t being mapped correctly during imports.
  • Fixed a cursor glitch when creating subtasks from tasks in Inbox.
  • Fixed a bug that made it hard to create new tasks from lists on mobile web.
  • Fixed an issue with viewing task pages on ultra-wide monitors.
  • Fixed an issue that caused users to have to keep reauthorizing the Google Sheets integration.
  • Fixed a bug with task hierarchy when switching from flattened lists to indented lists.
  • Updated the activity log message for when a user resets the attribute value to None to make it clearer.